EMPIRE II in Oaxaca
In Association with the
Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Oaxaca

Private View: 22nd February 2019

Exhibtion: 23th February - 20th May 2019
Open Monday to Sunday, 10:30 am – 7:45 pm
Closed on Tuesdays

Calle Macedonio Alcalá 202, Centro
68000 Oaxaca de Juárez, Oax.


In Memoriam

Danny Pockets
5th November 1964 - 12th March 2018

Participating Artists

William Angus-Hughes, Jessica Bailey, Jon Baker, Kerry Baldry, Vanya Balogh, Sooz Belnavis, Stella Whalley & Toby Bricheno, Megan Broadmeadow, Anita Bryan, Roger Clarke, Laura Liliyana-Raffaella Cogoni, Paul Coombs & Gabriel Mulvey, Richard Ducker, Joe Dye, Spizz Energi, Gordon Faulds, Susana Lopez Fernandez, Valentina Ferrandes, Julian Firth, Glenn Fitzy Fitzpatrick, Gzillion Artist, Maryclare Foa, Mandee , Andrea Morucchio, Toni Gallagher, Ray Gange, Warren Thomas Garland, Maria Teresa Gavazzi, Alina Gavrielatos, Ann Grim, Fiona Haines, Dannielle Hodson, Birgitta Hosea, Laura Hynd, Vanja Karas, Will Kerr, Monika Kita, Kate Kotcheff, Kristina Kotov, Tomaž Kramberger, Suzanne Bella Land, Bob Lawson, MC Llamas, Bobby Lloyd, Jeffrey Louis-Reed, Iavor Lubomirov, Julia Maddison, Lee Maelzer, Nerys Mathias, Jane Grisewood & Carali McCall, Joanna McCormick, Stacie McCormick, Montague Armstrong, Anna Mortimer, Sarah Pager, Martyn Pick, John Plowman, Danny Pockets, Marisa Polin, Eva Raboso, Meriliis Rinne, India Roper-Evans, Jim Roseveare, Pascal Rousson, Tracey Moberly & Robbie Ryan, Mario Varas Sanchez, Susana Sanroman, Susan Schulman, Rebecca Scott, Ashley Scott Fitzgerald, Richard Sharples, Liz Sheridan, Veronica Shimanovskaya, Steve Smith, Barbara Stanzl, Susan Supercharged, Melissa Alley & Paul Tecklenberg, Taline Temizian, Sarah Sparkes & Ian Thompson, Paul & Stanley Tucker, Graham Tunnadine, Gavin Turk, Tisna Westerhof, WhittyGordon Projects, Mark Woods

Read book logotype

Recommended book by Sooz Belnavis

«Who's Afraid Of Virginia Woolf?» Edward Albee, Penguin Books, first published 1962

Publisher »

India Roper-Evans «Locus»

India Roper-Evans's website »

India Roper-Evans «Locus» film still

Ashley Scott Fitzgerald «Burning Anxiety»

Ashley Scott Fitzgerald «Burning Anxiety»

Kristina Kotov «Blekarne»

Kristina Kotov «Blekarne» film still

Laura Hynd «Blip»

Laura Hynd's website »

Laura Hynd «Blip»

Steve Smith «The Hidden Persuaders»

Steve Smith «The Hidden Persuaders» film still

Susan Schulman «TrumAnUS»

Susan Schulman «TrumAnUS»

Jon Baker «Still Shrouds Have No Pockets»

Jon Baker «Still Shrouds Have No Pockets» film still

Eva Raboso «Black World»

Eva Raboso's website »

Eva Raboso «Black World»

Ibby Doherty & Ed Linger «Imperceptible»

Ibby Doherty & Ed Linger «Imperceptible» film still

Jessica Bailey «Past Life – Present Future»

Jessica Bailey «Past Life – Present Future»

Warren Thomas Garland «Welcome to Baltia»

Warren Thomas Garland's website »

Warren Thomas Garland «Welcome to Baltia» film still

Nouli Omer «I'm not Smiling»

Nouli Omer «I'm not Smiling»

Maya Smira «Borderline»

Maya Smira's website »

Maya Smira «Borderline» film still

Mandee Gage «Blink of an Eye»

Mandee Gage's website »

Mandee Gage «Blink of an Eye»

Gzillion Artist «The Artists Anxiety»

Gzillion Artist «The Artists Anxiety» film still

Kate Kotcheff «Mars, the Final Fronier»

Kate Kotcheff «Mars, the Final Fronier»

Bobby Lloyd «Breathless»

Bobby Lloyd «Breathless» film still

Barbara Stanzl «My Words»

Barbara Stanzl «My Words»

Yeal Atzmony «Tracing Oblivion»

Yeal Atzmony «Tracing Oblivion» film still

Susana López Fernández «Nightmare»

Susana López Fernández's website »

Susana López Fernández «Nightmare»

Richard Ducker «Contact»

Richard Ducker's website »

Richard Ducker «Contact» film still

Maria Teresa Gavazzi «Europe»

Maria Teresa Gavazzi's website »

Maria Teresa Gavazzi «Europe»

Jeffrey Louis-Reed «One Weird Trick to Grow Your Dick»

Jeffrey Louis-Reed's website »

Jeffrey Louis-Reed «One Weird Trick to Grow Your Dick» film still

Iavor Lubomirov «Triptych #2.2»

Iavor Lubomirov's website »

Iavor Lubomirov «Triptych #2.2»

Glenn Fitzy Fitzpatrick «Knowledge Combined»

Glenn Fitzy Fitzpatrick «Knowledge Combined» film still

Dion Kitson «Fallout»

Dion Kitson's website »

Dion Kitson «Fallout»

Anita Bryan «Light Water Cauldron»

Anita Bryan's website »

Anita Bryan «Light Water Cauldron» film still

Alina Gavrielatos «Waking Persephone»

Alina Gavrielatos' website »

Alina Gavrielatos «Waking Persephone»

Melissa Alley & Paul Tecklenberg «Sessions: The Park Keeper's Room»

Melissa Alley's website »

Melissa Alley & Paul Tecklenberg «Sessions: The Park Keeper's Room» film still

Fiona Haines «BADHBH»

Fiona Haines' website »

Fiona Haines «BADHBH» film still

Tracey Moberly & Robbie Ryan «Pariah»

Tracey Moberly & Robbie Ryan «Pariah» film still

Miriam Mor Hiedemann «Sacred Space»

Miriam Mor Hiedemann «Sacred Space» film still

Montague Armstrong «Fantastic Life»

Montague Armstrong «Fantastic Life» film still

Suzanne Bella Land «Annex»

Suzanne Bella Land «Annex» film still

Emily McMehen «Exit Strategy»

Emily McMehen's website »

Emily McMehen «Exit Strategy» film still

Graham Tunnadine «Street»

Graham Tunnadine «Street» film still

Jane Grisewood & Carali McCall «Tensione: How is that Going to Work?»

Jane Grisewood's website » Carali McCall's website »

Jane Grisewood & Carali McCall «Tensione: How is that Going to Work?»

Rebecca Scott «Video Vogue»

Rebecca Scott's website »

Rebecca Scott «Video Vogue» film still

Sooz Belnavis «The Red Line»

Sooz Belnavis «The Red Line» film still

Lee Maelzer «I'll Show You Fear»

Lee Maelzer's website »

Lee Maelzer «I'll Show You Fear» film still

Ella Amitay Sadovsky «Quiet Island»

Ella Amitay Sadovsky's website »

Ella Amitay Sadovsky «Quiet Island» film still

Adi Oz-Ari «Photoland 1»

Adi Oz-Ari «Photoland 1» film still

Andrea Morucchio «The Rape of Venice»

Andrea Morucchio's website »

Andrea Morucchio «The Rape of Venice» film still

Martyn Pick «Fulci Funhaus»

Martyn Pick's website »

Martyn Pick «Fulci Funhaus» film still

Roger Clarke «Two Journeys»

Roger Clarke's website »

Roger Clarke «Two Journeys» film still

Will Kerr «The visible in-visible»

Will Kerr's website »

Will Kerr «The visible in-visible» film still

William Angus-Hughes «Ladies, Women, Dames, Sisters, Bitches!»

William Angus-Hughes «Ladies, Women, Dames, Sisters, Bitches!» film still

Ann Grim «Beyond the Unknown»

Ann Grim's website »

Ann Grim «Beyond the Unknown» film still

Bob Lawson's «Bananas»

Bob Lawson's website »

Bob Lawson «Bananas» film still

Taline Temizian & Max Maxwell «EXHALE»

Taline Temizian's website »

Taline Temizian & Max Maxwell «EXHALE» film still

Susan Supercharged
«My Brutalist Heart»

Artist's website »

Susan Supercharged «My Brutalist Heart» film-still

Gavin Turk «Screen Test»

Artist's website »

Gavin Turk «Screen Test» 2016 film-still

Anna Mortimer «Ravin»

Artist's website »

Anne Mortimer «Ravin» film still

Gordon Faulds «Meditation»

Artist's website »

Gordon Faulds «Meditation» film still

Paul Coombs and Gabriel Mulvey untitled

Paul Coomb's website » Gabriel Mulvey's website »

Paul Coombs and Gabriel Mulvey «untitled» film-still

Julian Firth «You Never Really Loved Me Did You, Did You»

Julian Firth «You Never Really Loved Me Did You, Did You» film-still

Pascal Rousson «Feuer»

Artist's website »

Pascal Rousson «Feuer» film-still

Vanya Balogh «Drone»

Website »

Vanya Balogh «Drone» 2017 film-still

Philipp Keel «Off»

Artist's website »

Philipp Keel «Off» film still

Jessica Voorsanger «Final Frontier»

Artist's website »

Jessica Voorsanger «Final Frontier» film still

Tisna Westerhof «Underwater Love»

Artist's website »

Tisna Westerhof «Under Water Love» film-still

Jim Roseveare «Measuring Tide»

Artist's website »

Jim Roseveare «Measuring Tide» 2015 film-still

Leito De Courson De La Villeneuve «Seduction»

Leito De Courson De La Villeneuve «Seduction» film-still

Martin Sexton «Bad Seeds Blow-Up»

Martin Sexton «Bad Seeds Blow-Up» 2015 film-still
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